County Road Series
Inilah bentuk apresiasi Greenlight terhadap kehidupan kota-kota kecil di Amerika, yang biasanya menyimpan 'harta karun' berupa mobil-mobil Amerika klasik yang berada dalam kondisi prima. Greenlight menghadirkannya dalam skala 1/64 dengan kualitas yang juga prima.
Greenlight appreciation to small towns of USA, where we can find a classic America cars on thier road. Comes with highly detailed 1/64 scale.
Greenlight appreciation to small towns of USA, where we can find a classic America cars on thier road. Comes with highly detailed 1/64 scale.
1969 Dodge Charger Daytona

Rp 80.000
Sold Out
Sold Out
1975 Dodge Monaco Boone County Police

Rp 80.000
2011 Ford Explorer

Rp 80.000
Sold Out
Sold Out
1969 Chevrolet C-10

Rp 80.000
1991 Ford Mustang

Rp 80.000